Open Day? What Open Day?
10:54pm, Sun, 13thMarch'05, Notes: MMU CyBer'S OpeN DaY~! A day where boggled parents and naive kids get brainwashed and illusionized by the MMU community (Students, Lecturers and also the management of MMU). I was amazed because MMU drastically changed in just a night, Railings Painted overnightly(still can feel and smell the 'rawness' of the paint), Loads of partition boards magically appeared (where was it when we need em?), Food stalls were opened near the Central Plaza(mystery of the massive closure of MMU's foodcourts all over campus, SolVed~!), MPH's 'Sister' Hall is FINALLY done and ready to use(Wonder if they'd let us hold Temp0° there :-?), Even the MMU Students helping out there looked CHUNer and CUTEr than usual(maybe it was bcos I was the most 'selekeh' one there.. hmm). Well, not many people came for the open day though.. Compared to the last few open days. I managed to watch my Choir homies perform a song though(their last song).. I missed the ones before it.. =( Well, when the event was about to end, the rain came to visit.. and eventually everyone did what anyone would do when there's rain.. (No, not singing nor dancing in the rain.. good try though ;P)
Song o Da Day~ : Broken - Seether feat. Jo-Ann Lee.. Eh! Amy Lee. Ahaha.. YEah, this song is SO yesterday~! *rolls eyes* AHA! But it's still good~! I Play it more than 10 times a day..(training my voice to be like Jo EHHhHh~! AMY! Lee's voice~! WHAHAHahAha) Well.. it is an extreme lurvey durvey situation of a painful, but right, separation between 2 individuals.. I feel all teary-eyed everytime i hear this song.. I don't know why~! =(
Well dats all for now~ New updates are coming up in the next bloggerin-ing entitled "Day Out With Mewwie: MMU's 1st Annual Academic Awards Edition." So make sure you keep your eyes open for that~!
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Song o Da Day~ : Broken - Seether feat. Jo-Ann Lee.. Eh! Amy Lee. Ahaha.. YEah, this song is SO yesterday~! *rolls eyes* AHA! But it's still good~! I Play it more than 10 times a day..(training my voice to be like Jo EHHhHh~! AMY! Lee's voice~! WHAHAHahAha) Well.. it is an extreme lurvey durvey situation of a painful, but right, separation between 2 individuals.. I feel all teary-eyed everytime i hear this song.. I don't know why~! =(
Well dats all for now~ New updates are coming up in the next bloggerin-ing entitled "Day Out With Mewwie: MMU's 1st Annual Academic Awards Edition." So make sure you keep your eyes open for that~!
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